Thursday, 11 July 2013

Berinsfield, Oxfordshire

Berinsfield, Oxfordshire
Back in Oxford, and apart from St Edwards School's outdoor pool, there's not much on offer as the rivers aren't too clean round here. However I ventured out at 6am to the Queenford Lake at Berinsfield yesterday and did a couple of laps. It's a very warm quarry-lake where triathlon swimmers go to train early on Sunday and Wednesday mornings (06.00 - 8.45), and on Monday evenings (18.00-20.00).

A bit weedy, pretty busy (100 people by the time I left at 8), but not crowded. Not sure about the £5 fee, and it's taken two days to get rid of the acrid taste in the back of my mouth. Better than a swimming pool in allowing momentum for a glide, though the challenge of dawn swims, as I discovered, is that you can't inhale to the East without being blinded!

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